#ReadIntoSummer2024 Announcement

My favorite time of year is here: Summer Reading! I think this is my fourth or fifth year hosting a readathon over Memorial Day Weekend in the US and it’s something I look forward to each season. I have always loved Summer Reading most. I love that it’s a season that allows for relaxation, longer days, endless hours reading by the water and vacation. We have two vacations scheduled for this Summer and I cannot wait.

The Summer Reading Guide will also be released at the end of the readathon! You can find it here on Monday May 27 but if you want it early and full of exclusive content, you can subscribe to my newsletter, The Bookmark!

Now every time I host one of these readathons, I get the question, “What is a readathon?” It’s simpler than it sounds: it’s time to read! I typically host them over a long weekend or over 24 hours, but it’s dedicated time to sit down and read. I like to choose a specific TBR (to be read list) and try to finish 3-4 books over 3-4 day span. This year, the readathon will begin on Friday May 24 and end on Monday 27. I host multiple Reading Sprints, which are hour long stretches where you read without interruption.

Life is so chaotic these days that sometimes it’s really nice to put your phone away and focus on getting lost in a book for a significant amount of time!