Writing Update #8

Long time no writing talk! Amber and I were talking the other day about how we miss doing our How Novel Instagram Lives and I realized due to all the #TistheReadson excitement, I had totally fallen off sharing my writing updates on the blog.

These updates hold me accountable but they also serve as moments of inspiration. Lately, it’s felt like there has been so much noise and I’ve been struggling with how to find time to devote to my book. I really want to finish my first draft by September of this year and that is definitely what I’m focusing on!

There hasn’t been much writing but there has been a lot of plotting, outlining, and dreaming. I have a Pinterest board dedicated to images that feel fit my story and it fills me with so much joy. Plus, tons and tons of inspiration.

Right now I’ve been leaning on writing through my own experiences. I think about all the best books I’ve read, the ones that leave an imprint on my heart, and how they are the stories I needed at a certain moment in time. I think this book I’m writing exists because it’s what I need to put out into the world at this time.

If you’re new around these parts, here are some fun facts about my current work in progress:

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Why Romance: I love the Romance genre. It is vast and delightful and it isn’t a “guilty pleasure.” Love, companionship is so universal and I wanted to write the book I want to read right now.

Trope: Second Chance Romance

Setting: The Adirondacks

Current Word Count: 25,000

Short Term Goal: Finish first draft by September 2021

Long Term Goal: Publish this story in 2022 or 2023.

Fun Facts About My Writing:

  1. My favorite way to get ready for a session is to take a shower (usually with a glass of white wine) and fall into the mind of my main character.

  2. I prefer to write longhand but usually type because my mind can move too quickly

  3. I start every session by journaling what I thought about in my pre-session shower

  4. I love to draw from real experiences and conversations. I have a folder saved to my phone if I hear about say anything that could make a good line in a book.

  5. Writing a book is my biggest dream in life.

I love talking about writing and creativity. I love sharing this process and breaking it down with you. I’ve been thinking about starting a YouTube channel for YEARS but I think it would be most beneficial for my writing process because I process things in such an auditory way. Everytime Amber and I finish a live I’m always so inspired to write!

Find my inspo board here!

Leave any questions about writing below!