Writing Update #9: Mood Board

This post is for the one and only Haley. Haley, i promise to send you one of those stickers with our old wedding date on it that I’ve been promising you for months. I swear to get around to it, just like this post I promised.

One of my favorite things about social media is connecting with other readers and writers. On Twitter, I can find myself laughing hysterically and feeling “attacked” by blanket statements that feel so true.

My favorites always surround writers and mood boards, how that’s where so much unnecessary effort goes because it’s easier than sitting down and writing. I won’t deny that. Yes, I am very guilty of using ~ the mood board ~ as a distraction, BUT I do get a lot of inspiration from photos!

I hope to capture the feelings that they pictures give me with my words as I build this world that I see and hear in my mind. It’s also a great way to get me out of writer’s block, even if I throw out whatever I’ve written. It gets me back into writing which is half the battle.

I’m always adding to it on Pinterest so you can follow along there!

Here are my Mood Boards for my current work in progress!

Alright now that I’ve shared the mood boards with you…what do you think my novel is about?!