Review: Ace of Spades by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé

Ace of Spades was one of those books I knew I needed to read as soon as I picked up my copy. The cover and synopsis pulled me right in and I couldn’t believe how much I ended up enjoying it. I famously say I don’t like thriller and suspense books, but YA suspense has definitely become of my favorite sub genres recently.


Synopsis: All you need to know is . . . I’m here to divide and conquer. Like all great tyrants do. ―Aces
When two Niveus Private Academy students, Devon Richards and Chiamaka Adebayo, are selected to be part of the elite school’s senior class prefects, it looks like their year is off to an amazing start. After all, not only does it look great on college applications, but it officially puts each of them in the running for valedictorian, too.
Shortly after the announcement is made, though, someone who goes by Aces begins using anonymous text messages to reveal secrets about the two of them that turn their lives upside down and threaten every aspect of their carefully planned futures.
As Aces shows no sign of stopping, what seemed like a sick prank quickly turns into a dangerous game, with all the cards stacked against them. Can Devon and Chiamaka stop Aces before things become incredibly deadly?” —Via Amazon

What I Liked:

  1. The Setting—I’ve said this time and again, but I love books set at private schools, which is weird since I attended private school and for the most part, nothing sinister ever happened. But I’m always drawn to the stakes of this type of setting.

  2. The Pacing/Writing Style—I tandem read this book on audio and my print copy and thought it was paced well between chapter length and how compelling it was to want to keep reading.

  3. The Dialogue—I think the stories of the realities that Black people face are important to tell, especially through the lens of “entertainment.” This book is blurbed as Gossip Girl meets Get Out and that is really true. It’s harsh, mind boggling, maddening, and also juicy and dramatic. I hope readers are able to reflect on what is described and look inwardly at themselves.

What Didn’t Work:

  1. Fair warning, Devon’s narrator on the audio edition speaks very slowly…even on 1.8x speed😅

TW/CW: Racism, homophobia, racial slurs, car accident, suicidal thoughts,

Character Authenticity: 4.5/5 Steam Rating: N/A Overall Rating: 4.5/5