Coming Soon...Tis the Readson 2022!

Back in 2020, when things felt bleak and unsure, a small group of my bookish friends and I got together to sprinkle a little holiday magic in our corners of the world. Since then, it has become my favorite holiday tradition for myself. Now, in 2020 we all had a lot more time since we were staying home.

Last year, I struggled to keep up because I was in rehearsal for my first show since February 2020. This year, I want to enjoy the season more than ever and help everyone find the child like magic of the season. I’m hosting on my own this year and it’s going to look a bit different but I hope it will still be just as fun.

With every readathon I host, I always like to make it clear that the only thing you have to do is READ. Make time to read for yourself and do the things that bring you joy. I’ll miss co-hosting with my friends (they all have so much on their plates!) but I think it will still be the perfect way to close out the year.

Now, what can you expect? Lots of reading sprints, a few surprises, some reading prompts, and lots and lots of recommendations. And, this is a first for me…I’ll be hosting a “buddy read” which is basically a virtual book club for us. It will only be one book and there will be the option to be part of an IG chat as well as an IG Live! I’m excited for this interactive aspect! Plus, as always, I’ll be sharing my favorite books of the year all throughout the season.

It’s a great time of year to challenge yourself. Take a look at what you’ve read for the last eleven months. Have you made diverse picks? How many five star reads did you have? Find any new favorite authors? Any authors/genres/tropes that aren’t for you? Apply these prompts and see where they take you!