Welcome to Prep-Tober

It’s that time of year again: NaNoWriMo! This is my third year doing NaNoWriMo and it is one of my favorite times of year. I do a lot of prep work August-October in order to be able to write a whole draft in November. But it’s just always the vibes that make it so worth it! I used to talk about my writing a lot more on the Internet, but I’ve pulled back because it’s really personal. However, I love talking about NaNoWriMo so much so while I may not go into detail on what I’m working on or my plans for it or where I am in the publishing process, I will always be here for moral support if you are writing too!

I wanted to gather some of my favorite writing tools and resources, as well as my plan for how I’m going to tackle the month. I’ll also link all the other posts I’ve shared!

My 2023 NaNoWriMo Goals