Balancing Creativity: August Writing Goals

Something I always find myself working between is balancing where I place my creative energy. Since things have changed so much for me in the last year, where I find my joy professionally and creatively is so different. I have always wanted to be writer and I’ve always found excuses not to finish projects that I’ve started. That’s not happening anymore. Or I should say, I’m not allowing that to happen anymore.

I’ve spent a lot of the last year feeling sorry for myself and blaming my lack of motivation on the things that happened to us in the last year. Now, this is our real life and it’s time to settle in and create the things I’ve been longing to create.

Between my writing goals for my fiction and the creativity I pore into Read & Wright, it’s all about finding balancing for me and not stretching my brain too thin. One thing I’m enjoying just for the fun of it is Bullet Journaling. I am not an artist and never have been but I am a perfectionist. However, when it comes to my bujo, I just like to have fun. It’s a great balancing activity for me. It clears my mind as well!

Yesterday, I shared my August Bucket List and two things on there are big for my writing.

  1. I want to finish the draft of my solo novel

  2. I want to write 1000 words per day on each project—ICYMI, I’m working on a second book with my writing partner and friend, Amber!

One thing I’ve noticed is that it’s very easy to fall into the “aesthetic” of writing. I want to write at night with a candle and the perfect playlist. But the reality of writing is not as glamorous as you think. It’s about buckling down and getting it done, when you can, where you can.

I’ll set as much of a schedule as I can for my writing but at the end of the day, I just need to do it. I’ve always been someone who is incredibly motivated by mornings, so I’m going to attempt to write every morning for an hour. If I reach 1000 words, fantastic! If I don’t, I’ll have to find some other time throughout the day.

I made a schedule in my bullet journal to keep track. I want to use the front half of the week for my solo project and the back half of the week to work on the joint project, taking Saturday or Sunday off. Each project gets 3 days of the week! I think this will help with burnout and keep things fresh and exciting.

I’ll check back in in September to see how it worked out for me!